Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Reward Your Staff for Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a critical concern of any convenience store operation and not only because of the escalating costs of worker’s compensation claims. When an employee gets hurt on the job, the entire staff suffers; so does the service provided to your customers....
Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

Top Employee Training Trends for 2024

The convenience industry is very dynamic, and if you don’t keep up with the trends you’ll lose out. This mentality is common when running promotions, selecting new products, and laying out your store; but you should be applying it to your employee training as well!...
Set Your Leadership Goals to READ

Set Your Leadership Goals to READ

Are you a boss, or a leader? Almost anyone can be a boss, but it takes a special set of skills and talents to be a leader. Let’s look at a few differences: Bosses bark orders. Leaders develop skills. Bosses see employees as blocks in the schedule. Leaders see...