How Technology is Changing the Management Experience


Technology — can’t live with it, can’t live without it. This is especially true for store managers. While technology has changed customer expectations in a way that can sometimes be tough to handle, it’s more than made up for it by streamlining many management tasks. When you save time on paper pushing, you have more time to focus on what really makes your business successful: people.

Track Your Training

Your training program has a direct impact on every facet of your business. Employees need to be trained on a variety of compliance issues as well store procedures, position-specific tasks, customer service, and more. These days, tracking your employee training is almost as important as conducting it in the first place. Thanks to state-of-the-art Learning Management Systems for convenience stores, the control of your training program is at your fingertips.

Inventory Control

Remember when managing your inventory was a full-time job? While it’s still critically important to sales and profits, today’s POS systems have streamlined the manager’s role in all aspects of inventory control. With the right tool, you can manage inventory, track sales, balance the books, and even submit purchase orders directly to vendors.

Marketing – There’s an App for That

With mobile technology leading the way, it’s never been easier for customers to find you. With apps that do everything from track gas prices and winning lotto tickets to customer service reviews and food offerings, you have more opportunities than ever to have mobile apps deliver customers right to your doorstep.

Managing Technology

The benefits of technology aren’t automatic for any store manager. To make technology really work for you, you can’t just implement it and walk away. Training reports are worthless if you don’t read them and follow-up personally with employees who deserve recognition or need extra help. POS reports mean nothing if they are not analyzed in a way that help you make adjustments and increase profits. All those mobile apps will work against you if you don’t keep your business’s online profiles updated and accurate. Technology must be actively managed. Who better to do that than you?

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