How Training Supports Teamwork


Training and teamwork are two sides of the same coin. They may seem unrelated, but in truth they are deeply connected. Your training programs – if you’re implementing them well – will maximize team productivity. At the same time, staff members who are part of a strong team will implement their training more effectively.

3 Ways Training Supports Teamwork

  1. When staff members are well-trained on both hard skills (such as stocking shelves) and soft skills (such as creating positive first impressions), their confidence in their own abilities improves. Confident people make better teammates.
  2. Cross-training staff members on a variety of tasks allows them to back up their teammates more effectively. Staff members who feel supported by their peers makes them more apt to pitch in when someone else needs assistance.
  3. Training gives you a chance to refocus on the company vision. When everyone on your staff is aiming for the same target, that sense of unity creates a strong team.

3 Ways Teamwork Supports Training

  1. The team that trains together, stays together. Training reinforces the principles of teamwork by establishing team goals and giving team members the tools they need to reach those goals.
  2. Training levels the playing field. If team members aren’t given equal chances to succeed through training, then some team members will begin to feel superior while others will feel like they’ve been setup to fail.
  3. Incentives and rewards that are tied to training objectives create camaraderie. Take safety, for example. If you reward your staff for sustaining a period of time with no accidents, they’ll perform as a group to keep each other safe.

At great convenience store operations, training is a philosophy, not a department. Your employees are your most important resource, and that resource is even more valuable when it’s driven by teamwork. When teamwork supports training effectively, and vice versa, your team will come out on top.

Browse our learning library for more ways that training supports teamwork in your convenience store, and check out our teamwork boosting management training for Boosting Team Productivity.

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