Why Should You Invest in Training Your Employees?


When it comes to training your employees in a convenience store, there is always the question of how much time and money should be spent on training given the expected high turnover rates. However, there is a good argument to be made that doing it right the first time reduces the necessity of training replacements.

Training Prevents Compliance and Customer Service Issues

As the famous quote from Zig Ziglar states, “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.” By not taking the time to properly train your employees, you run the greater risk of customer service complaints and/or compliance errors – either of which could be costly.

Customer service complaints could lead to loss of revenue and reputation. Compliance errors could mean a failed sting and even potential fines. A well-trained employee will help you avoid these situations while also saving you the time of having to retrain in order to reinforce the topics they need to know.

Training Promotes Loyalty

Training reduces turnover. Increasingly, candidates are looking for jobs that will provide them with training and the possibility of career advancement. According to an IBM study, only 21% of new hires would plan to stay with a company that did not provide them adequate training. The percent of employees who planned to stick with their job increased to 62% when training was provided.

Training your employees should be viewed as an investment, not just in the future of the employee, but in your company as well. Investing in training shows a commitment to your employees, which helps build trust and loyalty. Loyal employees will be more likely to stick with the business regardless of circumstances. Since it takes more time and money to recruit and hire new employees than to effectively train the ones you have, building loyalty in your employees will save you time and money in the long run.

Save Time and Money with Online Training

There are many benefits to training your employees online, especially when taking advantage of a learning management system to promote online learning.  Take a look at just a few of those benefits:

  • Save time by streamlining tasks for training administrators and managers.
  • Get employees onto the floor serving customers quickly.
  • Deliver a consistent message to all employees across locations.

By taking advantage of what an LMS can offer, you’ll see a return on investment that is well worth the implementation of a new training program.

Online Learning for Convenience Stores

Looking for online training? Our online convenience store training curriculum is delivered through our easy-to-use learning management system. Learn more here.

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