Preventing Harassment in the Workplace


There are many misconceptions about harassment in the workplace. In addition to a company-wide harassment training program, be sure to address these common myths and facts with your convenience store employees.

Facts & Myths about Harassment in C-Stores

Myth #1: Sexual harassment is the only unlawful form of harassment in the workplace. Fact: The EEOC defines harassment as “…unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.”

Myth #2: If a person doesn’t complain about being harassed, then it’s not harassment. Fact: harassment creates a hostile work environment whether or not it is reported. Some victims of harassment are afraid to make a report, especially when the harasser is their boss. This can lead to escalating harassment that puts the victim and the business at even more risk.

Myth #3: It’s only harassment if a manager or supervisor harasses a subordinate. Harassment can be unlawful and result in disciplinary action regardless of who is involved. A harasser can be a supervisor, subordinate, co-worker, vendor, or even a customer. It is the company’s responsibility to protect employees against all types of harassment.

Myth #4: The only person who can report harassment is the person being harassed. Fact: every employee – regardless of their position – should report workplace harassment if they witness it. People in supervisory positions are obligated by law to report and respond to harassment. It is the company’s responsibility to make sure all employees understand reporting policies.

Myth #5: Employees can be terminated for reporting harassment that can’t be proven. Companies cannot retaliate against employees who report harassment in good faith. Managers should maintain an open-door policy and encourage all concerns to be reported.

Online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Training is the key to preventing sexual harassment. Online training makes it easy to quickly train everyone on your staff to recognize sexual harassment and take action when it occurs. Click here for more information on the Harassment Prevention online training.

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