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5 Trends in Convenience Store Food Offerings
What’s fueling a rise in convenience store profits? It’s not actually fuel, it’s food. Convenience stores across the country have been doing more to invite their fuel-only customers inside the store where higher profit margin food selections await – and those efforts...
5 Trends in Convenience Store Food Offerings
What’s fueling a rise in convenience store profits? It’s not actually fuel, it’s food. Convenience stores across the country have been doing more to invite their fuel-only customers inside the store where higher profit margin food selections await – and those efforts...

Be Food Allergy Aware
“Are your glazed donuts nut-free?” “Does that sandwich have mayonnaise?” “Where are your gluten-free snacks?” When you hear questions like these from your customers, it might be tempting to write them off as high-maintenance. Before you do that, though, consider this:...
Be Food Allergy Aware
“Are your glazed donuts nut-free?” “Does that sandwich have mayonnaise?” “Where are your gluten-free snacks?” When you hear questions like these from your customers, it might be tempting to write them off as high-maintenance. Before you do that, though, consider this:...
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Be Food Allergy Aware
“Are your glazed donuts nut-free?” “Does that sandwich have mayonnaise?” “Where are your gluten-free snacks?” When you hear questions like these from your customers, it might be tempting to write them off as high-maintenance. Before you do that, though, consider this:...
Bringing Convenience to Your Curb
Convenience stores thrive when they make it as easy as possible for customers to get what they came for. In 2022, foodservice made up 25.7% of in-store sales, according to an industry report. In order to keep that momentum going, it only makes sense to have ordering...
Cash In on Foodservice in Your C-Store
As part of Customer Loyalty Month in April, you discovered how training, marketing, hiring and service all play a role in building a base of repeat customers. The products you offer above and beyond the staples of convenience store inventory also affect customer...
Risk Factors for Foodborne Illness (and How to Avoid Them)
Offering foodservice options in your convenience store can mean a big increase in profits. That potential reward, however, comes with potential risk. If food is served and sold on your premises, you and your staff have a responsibility to ensure that basic food safety...
Food Handler Training Basics
If you’re like many convenience stores, you’re capturing some of the fast food market by expanding your fresh food offerings. As your food sales go up, though, so does your risk for a food safety problem. Restaurant industry experts estimate that the average cost of a...
Winning Over Health-Conscious Consumers
Since the pandemic began, many consumers have become even more focused on health and wellness, and convenience stores are eager to meet this renewed demand. Deemed essential businesses early on, convenience stores quickly adjusted their offerings to meet changing...
Food Service in a Convenience Economy
We are living in a convenience economy, one in which consumers demand that their shopping experiences are quick, simple, and hassle-free. This should be a natural fit for convenience stores, right? Yes, of course – as long as you and your staff deliver what customers...
The Great Eight for Foodservice Program Success
When it comes to the foodservice program you offer in your convenience store, customers aren’t too demanding. All they really want is what you’ve suspected all along — a quick bite to eat. But they can get that anywhere. Why should they choose your place over the...
C-store Foodservice Trends
C-store foodservice trends are changing the way business is done and profits are made. It used to be that foodservice items in convenience stores were primarily add-on sales. Customers stopped by the store for lotto tickets, cigarettes, or gas and grabbed a donut or...
Food Fight! How to Compete with Fast Food Restaurants
With the latest trends showing more variety in foodservice options, convenience stores are giving fast food restaurants a run for their money – literally. Your area quick-serve restaurants are aware of the competition they face from you and your fellow c-store...
Putting the “Service” Back into Foodservice
Foodservice is nothing new to convenience stores, but the trend has definitely accelerated in the past decade or so. It’s estimated that in today’s c-store industry, nine out of 10 stores offer some sort of food or beverage sales. Where growth is really being noticed...
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